bienestar animal welfare

In the ever-evolving landscape of livestock farming, the importance of animal welfare is gaining ground. Beyond being an ethical aspect, it has been shown that adequate animal welfare entails significant benefits for animal health, productivity and the sustainability of livestock farms.

Augmentation of Animal Welfare and Its Benefits: An increase in animal welfare goes beyond ethics; It directly impacts the health of the animals and, therefore, the productivity of the farms. Improved animal health not only translates into superior productive performance, but also increased longevity. Healthy animals are more productive animals over a longer period of time.

Social Awareness and Changes in Consumption: Modern society shows a growing interest in animal welfare and sustainability. Consumers are increasingly looking for products that reflect ethical production practices. This change in demand has led to greater awareness on the part of producers, who recognize the importance of implementing practices that respect both animals and the environment.

Key Factors for Good Welfare on Farms:

Proper Bedding Maintenance:

The quality of the beds and the materials used are essential. A comfortable and clean environment not only improves animal well-being, but also reduces the risk of hoof diseases and mammary infections. To do this, bed dryers such as Phytogrape Secante or Sanisec plus are essential in providing a dry and clean environment.

Cleaning and Prevention Protocols in Milking:

Implementing rigorous cleaning protocols before and after milking is essential. This not only benefits the quality of the milk, but also reduces the chances of breast infections or mastitis. That is why the Phytogrape range has been created, having products for before and after milking such as UBREfoam (pre-dipping), or FREEgreen, ECOfilm or POLIgreen (post-dipping).

Controlled Introduction of New Animals:

The arrival of new animals on the farm must be carefully managed. Proper protocols for the introduction of new heads help prevent problems that may arise from other farms.

The consistent application of these practices results in a significant reduction in diseases in dairy cattle. Hoof infections, mastitis and somatic cell counts decrease, evidencing a direct impact on the health and performance of the animals.

Animal welfare is not only an ethical imperative on modern livestock farms, but also a smart strategy for improved animal health and sustainability. By prioritizing well-being, producers not only respond to market demands, but also improve the efficiency and longevity of their animals, ensuring a healthier and more sustainable future for livestock farming.